Tuesday, August 11, 2009

True Testimony

After 22 years as a non believer, the Lord did a miracle. I became a ferocious and passionate follower of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This was after years of arguing with Christians as to why there "could not possibly be a God" and "persecuting" anyone who believed differently than I did. I still to this day live in "awe struck wonder" of not what God has done; but of who He is.

I did not deserve the grace that I was freely shown. But God offered it to me anyway. I guess that's what makes it grace... It was "unmerited favor", that was "by no work of my own" that I came to know the Love of Christ. Why did it take so long? Well I too asked God this question and though it took quite some time; I did receive a response. God explained to me that, I had to first chase after "worldly things" (money, popularity, girls, drugs, alcohol, etc) before I would understand my need for a savior. He also showed me that my belief that there was no God was largely based on the bitterness I had toward "religion" and the church I saw in the 76% of America who "claim to be" Christians.

God did an amazing thing in opening up to me the Scriptures and showing me that "looking for God" in the faces and in the actions of "man" and the "church" would not lead me to Him. It would only become a reinforcement of the Truth that God loves us despite our destruction and misrepresenting of His Bride. When i think about the selfishness I once lived in and place it along side of Jesus and who He is, I am forever humbled. I can remember days that I wouldnt have given someone who judged me or wronged me in any way a ride to the bus stop if they needed it; but Christ knew the wickedness of the Church in His day, just as we still see in ours, but He went willingly to the cross anyway... This is who God is...

To bring this short testimony to a conclusion I must say that my experiences have done nothing but show me how despereately sick my heart is and that it is wicked beyond all measure, but God loved me enough to send me His son to die upon the cross to cover these iniquities. I was an alcoholic and a drug addict and in an instant, the Lord took away these desires and replaced them with a passion for the Word that I still cannot explain to this day... In conclusion, I just want to say that God desires a personal relationship with you; not for you to be conformed to a pattern of religion that will destroy any opportunity for a heart to be transformed..but instead for you to know him deeply and intimately; I pray for all of those who have yet to see God in the light that was shown to us in the early church days called the Way. These were Christs true disciples.. But although we are in the "last days" there is still time for us to be saved... Just look to Christ and He will rescue you....

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